Long Term Care Facilities

Perfect for short and long term caregivers
Transfers to and from the bed and to and from the bath/shower are the most popular in Long Term Care Facilities. Mobile lifters and stand assists are most commonly found in these environments because of their versatility. However, utilizing an overhead ceiling system may also be a good solution.
Ceiling system in bedrooms and bathrooms
The current trend is to integrate a ceiling system in the bedrooms and bathrooms. This eases the burden on the caregiver, and above all it saves space and provides additional security on wet floors. For the user, it means faster and more comfortable movement. In addition, there is the assurance that a lift system is always available.
With a SureHands® lift, e.g. a mobile lift and a rollboard, you can easily put your patient on the showerbath.
With the transfer board
The transfer board is used for transfers between two objects at the same height. It is primarily intended for independent use, such as entering a car from a wheelchair or moving from a manual wheelchair to an electric wheelchair. Moving between a bed and a chair is also easier with the transfer board.