Wheelchair Ramps in Wausau, Chicago, Cudahy, Roselle, Madison, Waukesha, and the Surrounding Areas
Wheelchair ramps are becoming more and more prevalent all over Wausau, Chicago, Cudahy, Roselle, Madison, Waukesha, and the surrounding areas, but they are not all the same. Each wheelchair ramp needs to be customized for the location that it will be placed. This is where the expertise from Access Elevator comes into place, as we have helped add wheelchair ramps to hundreds of locations all over the region. Contact us today to learn more and have our team install wheelchair ramps at your property.
What Kind of Wheelchair Ramps Are Best?
Wheelchair ramps come in a variety of different materials including wood, aluminum, steel, and other materials. But beyond just the material that your wheelchair ramp is made from, there are many other questions that come up: How long should the ramp be? Do you need any rest spots on your ramp, and if so, how many? What is your property layout like for a ramp, can you do a single run, or do you need it to snake?
When you work with Access Elevator, we will take on all of these different questions. There are specific guidelines for the angle of the ramp, length, rest spots, and more. So many questions that Access Elevator can help you answer and show you the great options made possible by all the companies that they represent.
Beyond this, there are several other aspects to keep in mind as good reasons to consider adding a wheelchair ramp. One of these is that anyone can use the wheelchair ramps, not just those who are in a wheelchair. Those who are older or who have other issues getting around normally will also appreciate these ramps.
Wheelchair Ramps Add Value to Your Home or Business
There are several benefits to adding a wheelchair ramp to your home or business. Improved mobility is an obvious benefit, as it allows easier access for everyone. For example, a wheelchair ramp at your home makes it more attractive to a wider audience when it comes time to sell because the potential buyer doesn’t have to worry about adding one themselves. And if they have a family member or friend who is in a wheelchair, that makes the home more inviting.
When you are looking to add a wheelchair ramp to your home or business in Wausau, Chicago, Cudahy, Roselle, Madison, Waukesha, and the surrounding areas, call in an experienced team from Access Elevator. We’ll help to provide all the options and get you the right wheelchair ramp for your needs.